
I have included links in my blog to sights I hope are helpful. I do not get paid to do this and I am not trying to infringe on anyone's copywrite.

Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Jesus is the Light!

     This past year I had to go to Denver, Colorado for a few months and get a second stem cell transplant because my cancer, Hodgkin's Lymphoma, had returned. It was hard to be away from family and friends and the kids. I hated not being able to teach. I also had to stop teaching the kindergarten Sabbath School class at my church. I missed the kids a ton and was so excited when I was asked to record a children's story on video so the kids could see me. 


Here is the link to my video on my YouTube channel if you can't view it on my blog. 

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Jesus is the Light!

      This past year I had to go to Denver, Colorado for a few months and get a second stem cell transplant because my cancer, Hodgkin's...